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Oakland Plumbing: Article About Replacing Household Plumbin

Berkeley Plumbing and Heating: Experienced Oakland CA Plumbers

It can be hard to determine when pipes need replacing. Before you start cutting through the walls and floors, call Oakland Plumbing to do an assessment to determine if your pipes are corroded and leaking and should be replaced.

There are various types of pipes found in households. When the home was purchased and inspected, you should have received an inspection report. Check that report to see what kind of pipes you have. If you cannot locate it or the required information is not on the report, trustworthy and experienced plumbers can perform an inspection of your system.

As a guideline, brass and galvanized steel pipes last 80 to 100 years. Copper pipes have a lifespan around 70 to 80 years. Supply pipes made of brass, steel and copper are under constant pressure, therefore, they are more likely to cause damage if they leak. Drain lines made of cast iron last 80 to 100 years while lines made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), have a lifespan of 25 to 40 years. Well-maintained pipes may last longer than these time frames while pipes in areas with water that has a high mineral content may not last this long.

Lead pipes should be removed regardless of the age. They were common in house construction in the early 1900s. They can be hazardous to your health as they leach lead into the household drinking water. Older homes should be checked by a union-trained plumber with integrity.

The plumbers at Berkeley Plumbing and Heating of Oakland CA can assist with any questions regarding water heaters or boiler repairs.

If your dwelling is more than 60 years of age, it is advisable to check all exposed pipes for signs of leakage. Some signs may include stains, discoloration, flaking or dimpling, all of which may be indicative of corrosion. Should any irregularities be located, contact reliable professionals to assess the situation.

Leaks in pipes can also be an indicator that the pipes in the home may need replacing. Even if the leaks appears small, the pipes in the house are all made of the same material and are subject to the same usage and water supply patterns. Even though these individual leaks may be easy to fix, it could be a sign that pipes in the whole dwelling need to be replaced.

Pay attention to the color of the water when you fill the bathtub, especially if you have been away for an extended period of time. Should it appear yellow or brown, you could be seeing rust, a sign of decay inside the pipes.

If you are planning any remodeling of your home, it is a good time to inspect and, if needed, replace the pipes. Since the walls and floors will already be open, the exposed water lines will be visible. This may include the kitchen, bathroom and any pipes passing through the walls feeding rooms in other areas of the dwelling.

Contact Berkeley Plumbing and Heating today

For commercial and residential services and products for your plumbing, heating, or cooling needs, contact us via the below form or call (510) 841-0883.